Montie Twining
Co-Founder, K-12 Haiti

Montie Twining
Co-Founder, K-12 Haiti
A message from Montie…
Being perfectly honest, doing “mission work” in Haiti over the past 10 years is depressing. It’s a black hole of despair if there ever was one. In the 10 years our family and friends have been helping Haitians, they’ve lost 1/2 million people in two earthquakes, assassinated a President, kidnapped too many foreign aid workers to count, the UN has pulled out and gangs have pretty much taken over the more populated areas.
Schools focus our efforts on the true victims of the chaos… children. It keeps them off the street. Sometimes, it gives them a meal. They get taught by very capable loving teachers 5 days a week. They in almost all cases, get taught the Bible. They learn both French and English. Because they’re in school, their parents can work, or try to find work. They are safe when they are at school.
If you’re like me and catch yourself saying “why send money to Haiti, that place is so screwed up and it’s just a black hole!” You and I are on the same page. I get you. But in my mind, no more do I deserve to live where and how I do, than these children deserve to live where and how they do. You and I have it sooooooooooooo good compared to the future these children face. Me giving just a small part of what I have, to help them in any way possible… makes sense if I think of it like that.
I’d get it if you didn’t want to take your money and “throw it away” on Haiti. But it’s not Haiti who is getting your money, its the futures of the kids in these schools we support. It’s the teachers who invest in them. And the schools who take care of them. Please help if you feel led. We’ll use your money wisely. Tell others… please. And most of all… thank you. I’m encouraged that you’ve even read this. That means a lot. Blessings!